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The Minnesota State College Southeast bookstores in Red Wing and Winona stock textbooks and supplementary materials for all courses offered at the college. General items such as pens, pencils, notebook paper, 3-ring binders, folders, calculators, and jump drives are also available.

The bookstores are also your source for the latest in Southeast-branded gear, including high-quality t-shirts, sweatshirts, polos, and other clothing. Plus we have hats, water bottles, and other gift items. Stop in soon!

Student using computer


Important Dates

December 16-January 21 
Textbooks can be charged to student accounts (includes PSEO)
Must have valid student ID to charge to your account

January 21 
Last day to return textbooks (must have receipt!)

February 17
Campuses & Bookstores closed for Presidents Day

March 26
Campuses & Bookstore closed for All Staff Workshop Day

May 12
Online orders open for Summer Semester

May 12-16
Textbook buyback 9am-3pm WINONA ONLY

March 26
Campuses & Bookstores closed for Memorial Day 


Bookstore Information

Open Thursdays 9am-2pm

Monday-Friday 8am-3:45pm

For assistance for either campus, email Nancy at

*Check "Important Dates" for days closed*